Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hey Sharon =)

Hey Sharon!!
Your'e my only follower (so far) so I take it your'e the only one who reads what I post...lol. so i thought I would write to you.
How have you been? i hope you and your family are doing good! We haven't seen you guys in a while...do you know when you are going to b in PA next? I sure would love to get together! I really enjoy your blogs as well as Jon's and Steven's! well i guess that's all for now. it's getting late and I still have things to do before bed. Mmmmm, I'm hungry; gotta go find something to eat. haha. have a good week cousin!


  1. Hey Megan!!!!!!!!
    Boy, was I excited to see that you wrote specifically to ME!!! How sweet of you... ;)
    Anyway, so yes, I am the only follower on your blog so far, I think. I just got 10 followers on my blog and I'm so excited! Then again, I've been blogging almost 3 years, so I guess that's what happens.
    So how am I doing, you asked...I'm doing really great! I think we'll be in your area sometime in June, though that could all change. That would be great if we could get together!
    Hmmm...this is turning out to be a very long comment! Maybe I should have e-mailed you instead! :) Ah well...well thanks SO much for the "letter!" If you were my only follower I'd write to you too, but I guess it'll be comments or e-mail. You can e-mail me at my e-mail addy: joybells@ew-mm.com!
    TTYL, cousin!

    P.S. -
    Sorry it took so long to get a reply from me! We were w/out internet for like 3 days so I just read it today.

  2. great to hear from you!! i hope we get to see you soon!! i will defnitely email u sometime. congrats on the 10 followers! glad to hear your'e doing good. please tell ur family i said "hi". thanks so much! God Bless. =]
