Friday, May 22, 2009

I luv Horses =)

i luv horses!!!!!!!


  1. Hey, me too! :) I LOVE horses!!!!!! Too bad I don't get to ride very, at all! Where did you ride that horse, by the way? He's really pretty!

  2. I don't get too ride that often either. I didn't ride the brown and white horse yet. i have to train him this summer and then i will. He is gorgeous. He's my aunt's horse. They live on a big farm. 10 horses. Used to be 11, but i found out just today, one of their baby horses had to be put down on Saturday. Her name was Rosie and she was less than a year old. she broke her leg severely! :'( i was soooo sad, still am. i cried my eyes out!!! i got some pics though of her the day before she died. *sniff* and 1 horse is sold, being taken on Friday, one of the others is being looked at my somebody. ANother horse, WIllie is 35 and hurting pretty bad. he is to be put down Saturday but not sure now with the other one just being put down. it's a hard time for the family, especially my aunt. one of her other horses already died (about 2 years) from a terrible riding accident. :( i would appreciate your prayers, she would too! thanks so much! we should ride together sometime! that would be awesome...ttyl.

  3. Hey Cousin!
    Sad to hear about the horse! In Germany lots of people ride horses but they are really strict about what you can do and you have to get so much training! Nothin' like the good old USA!
